Bwell Lumbar Support 9.5" back height design provides extensive support from lumbar region to sacrum, enhancing spinal stability and...
Fully portable, palm held meter
Needs only 10 µL sample
Accurate results in less than 15 seconds
Gives an HCT reading
3 step procedure:...
A walking frame is often used by those who are recuperating from leg or back injuries. It is also commonly used by persons having...
Strong lightweight double adjustable metal crutches with a shaped hand grip and arm support.
Revitalize your crutch with replacement tips. Use over time can wear out the tip of your mobility aid, making it unsafe. But an easily...
Shower chair, With backrest Non-slippery, Waterproof, Height adjustable, for the elderly, sick or disabled persons.
Shower chair, With non-slip backrest, Waterproof, Height adjustable, for the elderly, sick or disabled.
With the Mission® Cholesterol monitoring system, healthcare professionals can be assured that they are getting the accuracy, reliability,...
The Mission® Cholesterol Test Devices work with the Mission® Cholesterol Meter to measure the lipid concentration in whole blood, plasma...
Proven Accuracy
Clever functionality
Out of meter dosing
Visual double-check
Extensive insight – proven accuracy
Our BF511 is Omron’s most comprehensive body composition monitor and provides extensive insight in...
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